5 Best Analytical Tools For eCommerce In 2021


Since eCommerce requires a huge business model where individual buyers and sellers can deal with each other, thus the use of analytics in eCommerce is a must. Not only, it is about buying and selling goods and services over the internet. But it also involves a transfer of money as well as data to implement transactions.

To ensure the growth of eCommerce, analytics plays an important role. It is viable for anything and everything; from organizing the CTA to ascertaining the quality of traffic that visits your website. Thereby, marketing experts are always assisted by numbers.

There are numerous analytic tools that aid the growth of any eCommerce. These tools help in:

  • Deciding whether to go for creating new clients or new business by computing the pricing structure.
  • Attracting more clients from email marketing campaigns, organic traffic, or social media.
  • Verifying what happens to your budget, hence no more guessing.

Regardless of your sector or budget, any blend of these tools is a fine solution. Here are the top 5 analytical tools for eCommerce in 2021, discussed in this passage.


This the best analytics tool for eCommerce widely used by everyone, because Google provides it free of charge. Let us directly look down to the top benefits offered by Google Analytics:

  • It has an impeccable ability to track traffic at each stage of the funnel.
  • It can find out the source of traffic whether it is mobile, desktop, or tablet. Also, it can ascertain how visitors are converting.
  • Moreover, it can find out which pages are getting more impressions as well as bounce rates.
  • It identifies the performance of every product even at the sales level and also finds out the customers LTV.
  • Other features it has are Acquisition reports, Real-time reporting, Audience reports, Site search, speed & flow reports, Shopping & checkout funnels, etc.

You can reach it at https://developers.google.com/analytics/


Kissmetrics is one of the most popular analytics tools which helps in working out the most advanced product analysis. This turns old undependable session-based analytics into advanced user-oriented insights. Thus, it helps in delivering the best service, best product, and most importantly at the best price.

The top features of the Kissmetrics tool are as following:

  • Funnel reports & Cohort reports
  • Customers profile management along with Powerful user-centric insights
  • Deep data tracking for businesses
  • Lucid charts, Mercy Corps, Unbounce, Send grid
  • Real-time data reporting & A/B testing
  • Retention report & Email support management
  • Company acquisition and retention rates full-proof guides as well as solid customer retention reports.

You can reach it at https://www.kissmetrics.io/


For the ones seeking beyond Google Analytics, Matomo is an open-source solution for eCommerce holders with a technological profile. This tool highlights the need for eCommerce to have command of their own database. Matomo can be directly installed on the server and need not be hosted remotely online by Google Analytics.

Although there are many common features offered by Matomo like other analytical tools, the exclusive ones are listed below:

  • A detailed report on sales is broken down as geolocation, marketing channel, and product.
  • The reports are automated on metrics such as the average order value and conversion rate. Moreover, this tool also notifies users about the events that cause cart abandonment.
  • Easy incorporation with platforms such as WooCommerce, Shopify, and Magneto.
  • GDPR management, HeatmapsConversion optimization, Search & marketing campaigns, Fully customizable, Form analytics, etc.

This tool can be reached at https://matomo.org/


Heap Analytics is a fabulous platform that has an exclusive new level for customer tracking data. It is capable of capturing every mobile, web, cloud interactions automatically. Also, it analyzes data without any writing code, retroactively. Hence, you can access the same source of data with less hassle.

Other important features of this platform are:

  • Dynamic funnels, Heap connect & dedicated account manager.
  • Behavioral chortling, Brand loyalty solutions, Solutions architect & custom dashboards.
  • Other real-time benefits are; code-less operations, conversion rate optimization, faster real-time insights, advanced attribution, creates brand loyalty, etc.

You can reach this tool at https://heap.io/


Ecommerce and Email marketing go hand in hand. Email automation is the foundation of any eCommerce venture whether you want to do repeat shopping or lead nurturing. The marketers of eCommerce require a wide variety of messages, strong segmentation, and a lot of frequency to run the campaigns effectively.

The following characteristics make Klaviyo different from other email brands:

  • Auto-response and welcome email templates to fight against cart abandonment and make lead nurturing.
  • It differentiates the audience into various segments depending upon specific parameters and actions like the opening of a message, purchase of the product, purchase time period, etc. This leads to more faster and personalized messages.
  • Advanced reports that track clicks, intermediate metrics, openings, and revenues.

This platform focuses on revenues rather than clicks. It can be found out at https://www.klaviyo.com/


Now, any eCommerce can easily go for web-development with the assistance of various analytical tools available in the market. In fact, specific tools catering to specific requirements of the businesses are also available and their features can be customized.
